Announcement : 

2025 start date for all students is Wednesday 29 January.


Pompallier Catholic College is committed to providing your children with resources and activities which will enhance learning opportunities.

Our Board have opted in to the Government ‘School Donation Scheme’ for the 2025 year.  This initiative is designed to alleviate some costs to parents.  Joining this scheme means that we will no longer request some donations from parents.

The College is still able to request donations towards overnight camps.  There will also be compulsory charges if you choose to have your child participate in optional activities such as sports teams, extra-curricular activities, or optional trips.

There is no change to the Attendance Dues portion of the account, which are compuslory and collected on behalf of the school’s Proprietor.

Please click here to view our tuition costs for 2025.

Attendance Dues:

Attendance Dues are a compulsory payment under the terms of the Education and Training Act 2020, and a condition of enrolment at Pompallier Catholic College.  Attendance Dues are charged for all students who attend Catholic Schools in New Zealand.

Attendance Dues are used to repay loans for building works done at schools in the Auckland Diocese, property related costs including school building works, buildings insurance and costs directly associated with the administration of Attendance Dues.

Attendance Dues are collected by Pompallier Catholic College on behalf of the school’s Proprietor, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Auckland. The Attendance Dues collected by Pompallier Catholic College are forwarded to Auckland Common Fund Limited, a company established by the Proprietors of Catholic integrated schools in the Diocese of Auckland responsible for the collection of Attendance Dues.

Attendance Dues can be paid in full at the beginning of the school year, per term, or by regular installment.  Once a student commences a term, Attendance Dues will be payable for the whole term, even if that student should leave during the term.

Attendance Dues payable for the 2025 school year are:  Year 7 – 8 : $129.00 per term ($516.00 per year) including GST.  Year 9 – 13 : $254.00 per term ($1,016.00 per year) including GST.

Information on Parent / Caregiver responsibilities for the payment of Attendance Dues can be found here

Financial assistance is available to assist families who may need financial support with the payment of Attendance Dues for preference students attending both primary and secondary Catholic schools in Auckland Diocese.  Families facing financial difficulties can contact their school office, their Parish Priest, or Auckland Common Fund Ltd at the Catholic Diocese of Auckland on 09 360 3069 for further information.  Application forms for this assistance are available from school and parish offices, or can be downloaded from the Catholic Diocese of Auckland website.

Further information and/or assistance is also available from the school office (phone 09 438 3950 ext 0).

Special Catholic Character Contributions:

The Catholic Special Character contribution is a voluntary donation of $15.00 per term ($60.00 per annum) per student.

This contribution provides the main source of funding for all services provided to Pompallier Catholic College by the Catholic Education Services Board.  No contributions are made by the Government for these services.

The Catholic Education Services Board assists schools to provide a Catholic education for your child through the preservation and enhancement of the Catholic Special Character in our schools.

Please note: All tuition costs apply to New Zealand Citizens and Residents only.

Statements are sent to families each month via email (or post if no email address is supplied).

Payments may be made at the College office by cash or eftpos (credit cards not accepted), or via internet banking.

Payment of accounts may be made in full, or by regular automatic payments throughout the year.  If you would like assistance in determining a payment schedule, please feel free to contact Jane Woolston in our College office (details below).  All accounts should be paid in full by the end of the school year.

If serious difficulties arise with payment of your account, parents may negotiate in confidence with Mrs Jane Woolston, Receptionist/Cashier, or the Principal.

The Board reviews financial donations annually.

For any finance enquiries please contact Mrs Woolston by phone on 438 3950, ext 0, or email:


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