Announcement : 

How to Enrol

We welcome your application, either directly to Pompallier Catholic College, or through one of our Partner Agents.

Pompallier Catholic College is a signatory to the The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021. Please click here to view or download this document.

The application process is as follows:

  1. Fill out the application form (see links below).
  2. Provide all the documents listed on the application form.  Applications without all the requested documents cannot be processed until this information is received.
  3. Upon receipt of the application, it will be evaluated by our International Department.  If the application is successful, an Offer of Place will be issued, along with a Tax Invoice for the Tuition fees.
  4. When fees are fully paid, a receipt will be issued.  This receipt, along with the Offer of Place, can be used to apply for a Student Visa from Immigration New Zealand.

Student Visas:  For more information, click here.

All applications should be received by our International Department no later than ten weeks prior to the commencement of enrolment.

International Student Tuition Fees for 2024 are available here.  International Student Tuition Fees for 2025 are available here.  All fees are reviewed annually.

Additional costs are:

Insurance:  It is compulsory for all students to have travel insurance, not just health insurance, for their entire stay.  Students may arrange their own, or we can organise this for you through our College.

Stationery and subject costs:  Stationery will need to be purchased and the cost will depend on which subjects the student chooses.  Some subjects also have charges for overnight trips.

Digital device:  All students in Years 7 – 10 will require a computer.  Further details are available on our BYOD page.

NCEA Examinations:  To enter NCEA (National Certificate of Educational Achievement) costs approximately NZ $385.00.  Students who wish to enter NCEA need to pay this fee.

Transport:  Bus transport to and from school, if required, is the students’ responsibility.

Extra-curricular activities:  Sports activities and International Student trips are offered throughout the year at an extra cost, and are optional.


Please download and complete the Enrolment Application forms below:

Enrolment Application Form – International Student
Student Use of Digital Devices Agreement

Further enrolment information and forms can be downloaded below:

College Map

For any queries regarding International Study at Pompallier Catholic College, please contact our International Department via email:


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