Announcement : 

2025 start date for all students is Wednesday 29 January.

International Information



To download our prospectus, click here.


For an international education experience of a lifetime, study overseas at Pompallier Catholic College.

Our College welcomes international students from all over the globe.

We are in Whangārei – New Zealand’s northernmost city and the main centre within the Northland region.  Pompallier Catholic College is in Maunu, ten minutes from the town centre.

We are a co-educational Catholic School with limited places for international students.

You will be amazed at what we can offer.

Why study in Whangārei?

  • Peaceful learning environment
  • A small safe community and city
  • Only two hours drive north of Auckland
  • Temperate climate
  • Over 100 beaches in the area
  • Many exciting activities in and around the city



Guide (Thailand)

Guide“I have been in New Zealand for about five years and have met a bunch of amazing people. I was really lucky to have a lovely host family, they are very supportive of what I do and actively helping me to achieve fluent English. It feels like I have a second family in New Zealand. At school, teachers here are more like friends to me, they are very friendly and caring. There are many beautiful places to explore in New Zealand, I was very lucky to see many of these places with my own eyes.” 

ผมอยู่ที่นิวซีแลนด์มาประมาณห้าปีแล้วผมได้พบกับผู้คนที่น่าทึ่งมากมาย ผมโชคดีมากที่ได้เจอครอบครัวอุปถัมภ์ที่อบอุ่น พวกเขาสนับสนุนสิ่งที่ผมอยากทำและช่วยสอนให้ผมใช้ภาษาอังกฤษได้อย่างเชี่ยวชาญ ผมรู้สึกว่าพวกเขาเปรียบเสมือนครอบครัวที่สองขอวผมในนิวซีแลนด์ ที่โรงเรียน ครูที่นี่เป็นเมิตรหมือนเป็นเพื่อน พวกเขาเอาใจใส่ในงานที่ทำ ที่นิวซีแลนด์มีสถานที่สวยงามมากมายให้สำรวจ ผมโชคดีมากที่ได้เห็นสถานที่เหล่านั้นด้วยตาของฉตัวเอง

Juri Lee (South Korea)

Juri LeePompallier Catholic College is one of the best schools in New Zealand to go to. This is my fifth year staying in Pompallier and I love all the memories I got during my school years. I couldn’t speak English at all when I first came here, but with amazing students and staff, my English developed pretty fast. The school environment is very safe with supportive and friendly students and staff members. There are so many things that you can experience like athletics day, Kapa Haka, XOR, inter-house sports, cross country, sports teams, service day, choir and heaps more. I hugely recommend you to come to Pompallier. There are lots of opportunities for you to develop your skills and through that, you will find who you really are. You will love everything and you will have a great experience here with such amazing people. 

Pompallier Catholic College 너무너무너무 좋은 학교예요. 올해가 제가 학교에 다닌지 5년째 되는 해인데, 해마다 학교에서 너무 좋은 추억들을 만들었어요. 처음 뉴질랜드에 왔을때 아예 영어를 하지 못했는데, Pompallier 다니고 너무 좋은 친구들과 선생님들을 만나 저의 영어 실력이 빠르게 늘었어요. 학교 분위기도 안전하고 공부에 집중할 있도록 친구들과 선생님들이 도와주셔서 더욱 빠르게 성장할 있었던 같아요. 학교에서 많은 활동들도 있어요. 체육대회, XOR, 하우스 스포츠, 크로스 컨트리, 스포츠 , 봉사활동, 합창단 그리고 많은 활동들에 참여할 있어요. 저는 진짜 Pompallier 오는걸 강력하게 추천해요. 많은 개인의 역량을 발전시킬 있는 기회도 많고, 기회를 통해 나의 진짜 모습을 찾을 있어요. 학교에 오는 것을 후회하지 않을거고 이곳에서 좋은 사람들과 많은 추억을 쌓을 있는 기회가 될게에요


To find out more about Whangarei we recommend that you view the following informative website:


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