Announcement : 

2025 start date for all students is Wednesday 29 January.

NCEA Results

In January 2024, the NZQA published its list of statistics for all standards – both externally and internally assessed.

NCEA outcomes continue to be very positive for the College. The following data is based on the 2023 academic year.

Achievement Rates (%)

  2023 Results 2022 Results
Level 1 94% 95%
Level 2 93% 99%
Level 3 90% 93%
U.E. 75% 76%


NCEA Award Endorsements

  Merit Excellence
Level 1 35% 25%
Level 2 27% 25%
Level 3 30% 15%


Notes: Based on 2023 year for regular students.  It excludes alternative education and foreign fee-paying students, and short-term students i.e: enrolled less than 70 calendar days at school.

Endorsement rates for Merit and Excellence are calculated on the basis of students who have achieved NCEA and not the total number of students in the year group.

University Entrance pass rates are calculated on the total number of students in Year 13.


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